Media Centre



Implementing Kenya’s Nationally Determined Contribution

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Issue 21 - Role of Science and Innovation in Climate Change Response

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Issue 20 - National and County Government Response to Climate Change

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Issue 18 - Youth and Climate Change, A Call to Action

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Seeding Change: Promoting Open Education Resources in East Africa, One School at a time

By Leila Nachawati "Lack of connectivity does not just limit young people’s ability to connect online; it isolates them from ...
Amplified Civil Society Voices Shape Public Debate on Just Climate Action

Amplified Civil Society Voices Shape Public Debate on Just Climate Action

Despite being among the least contributors to global Greenhouse Gas (GHGs) emissions, Kenya continues to grapple with the ever-increasing burden ...

Democracy, Climate Justice and Public Education for All Programme, Kajiado County

The people of Kajiado County have long been accustomed to periodic drought and famine greatly impacting livelihoods heavily reliant on ...

Democracy, Climate Justice and Public Education for All Programme

The people of Kajiado County have long been accustomed to periodic drought and famine greatly impacting livelihoods heavily reliant on ...



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