The Enhancing Communities’ Participation for effective Natural Resources management

Climate resilience

The Enhancing Communities’ Participation for Effective Natural Resources Management and Enhanced Resilience in Laikipia County Project ( 2014-2015) , funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP) provided a platform for Knowledge sharing between partners supported by UNDP under its Small Grants Programme, being Implemented in Laikipia County.

Project Goal
To create an Effective knowledge –sharing platform to build communities’ capacity for effective Stewardship of natural resources and enhanced resilience in Laikipia County

Specific Objectives
To facilitate consistent knowledge sharing about sustainable landscape management (SLM)
  • To disseminate Project information out of Ng’arua Maarifa Centre.
  • To promote The adoption of clean energy use to enhance biodiversity conservation and adaptation as well as mitigation against climate change.
  • To capture and document indigenous knowledge relevant to sustainable natural resources use and management for posterity.
Partner: SDG:
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